'What's So Bad About Drag?' | Informational Website
Received Best of Website Design at the National Student Show & Conference 19 in Dallas as well as an Honorable Mention in the 2024 GLITCH National Student Design Competition in Mississippi. Accepted into the 2024 WORK National Juried Exhibition in Alabama, and the 43rd Annual Juried Student Exhibition at Oklahoma State University.​​​​​​​
"What's So Bad About Drag?" is an informative, interactive project that focuses on the education of Drag as well as explaining the controversies about Drag and debunking the misinformation surrounding the art form. Drag is loud, fun and is often handmade. This project echoes these elements with bright colors, illustrative type, and graphics with a scrapbook feel. While both Drag Queens and this project have a funny, quirky tone, they also both have to deal with heavy topics and conversations. This project is meant to encapsulate what Drag is, what it represents, and why Drag should be respected.
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'What's So Bad About Drag?' received Best of Website Design at the National Student Show & Conference 19 in Dallas, Texas 2024.
Picture from the 43rd Annual Juried Student Exhibition at Oklahoma State University.

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